27. helmikuuta 2014

I left a mark on you, so did you on me

You won't forget me. You can't forget me. You just can't.
Unless you already have forgotten.

There's couple of things I want you to know. It's possible that you will never read this post but at least I tried. I guess I've never done this before so please, no h8.

First of all. We have had your fights. But they are past. Let's just forget them. We also had our roughest (I think) fight. That was the reason why you unfriended me on Facebook. We were friends no longer. Sooner than I thought, we settled our disagreements and we started to know each others again...

Oh wow, this is so hard..

To continue my post. Umm, well.. The point is, I just don't wanna fight anymore. Our fights are the worst ever. They suck all my energy out of me. Because our fights, I smoke over ten cigs per day. Only because I always get so stressed.
I don't wanna lose you because our stupid fights. 

Second of all. I love you. I still do. After all we've got through. My love is not much but it's all your. I won't ever love anyone the same way I loved and love you. Remember that.

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